Principal’s Desk

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you to Christ School Degwar. We strive to reach out to the society with earnest thirst of academic pursuit since the last thirty years in Poonch and seven years in Degwar. Christ School is unique in its schooling by promoting sports, music and literary activities in order to nurture the creative excellence of the students with a vision - ‘Be the Light of the World’. Christ School aspires to transform every child through academic excellence and integral co-curricular activities that uphold the value system of harmony with nature, respect for humanity, and social responsibility by instilling confidence, skills, and competence in them, allowing them to grow into enlightened citizens who care for their country. Wishing everyone a wonderful educational experience at Christ School Degwar. Please feel free to call on me to share constructive suggestions and matters of individual concern if any.
With warm regards
Fr. Linju ML CMI