Evaluation Assessment

Class I to V

The Assessment scheme will have a 60 marks component for Annual Examination (class I to V) in all scholastic subjects along with a 40 marks component of Internal Assessment. Students have to secure 33 percent in total in each of these components.


Monthly assessment and Annual Examination will be conducted.


One-time year-end examination is complimented and supplemented with Internal Assessment (IA) that assesses students in diverse manner, at different times and also examines a broad range of curriculum objectives. IA, in effect school-based assessment, plays the dual role of providing a complete picture of students’ abilities or progress towards fulfilling the aims of education and informing teachers of students’ progress and therefore supporting classroom learning. It also informs the individual learner about his/ her progress over a period of time enabling them to develop strategies to improve learning.

A. Periodic Assessment (10)

The main purpose of Periodic Assessment is to assess the learning progress of students. Such Assessment done at regular intervals provides feedback and insight to teachers regarding learners’ needs and helps them to improve instruction, do remedial teaching and set curricular targets for a student or a group of students. The feedback also helps students to know their errors as well as strengths and weaknesses. The students, thus, are enabled for better learning and setting up realistic goals. In essence, this is assessment for, of and as learning. Periodic Assessment is further divided into the following:

1. Periodic Tests (05 marks):

As earlier, these would be restricted to 3 in each subject in an academic year and the average of best 2 would to be taken for final submission of marks. These tests tend to follow a pattern, which is quite similar to the final end of course examination, and have a gradually increasing portion of content. Hence, they also tend to prepare students for final summative exams in a more confident manner.
The weightage of this component, however, would be of 05 marks only

2. Multiple Assessment (05 marks):

Multiple assessment strategies relevant to particular learning outcomes are advised over the period of curriculum transaction. The subject teachers would determine the type and frequency of these. This would make assessment more comprehensive and provide schools/teachers flexibility to use multiple and diverse techniques to assess learners viz. observation, oral tests, individual or group work, class discussion, field-work, concept maps, graphic organizers, visual representation etc. Hence, the schools are given autonomy to use alternate modes of assessment as per the demand of the subject and the context towards addressing the goal of assessment for and as learning, such as, quizzes, portfolio, project-work, Self and peer assessment, collaborative projects, experiments, classroom demonstrations, etc. Caution must be observed that recording of such assessment is not cumbersome and can be easily translated into individual student scores. Thus, developing simple scoring criteria and rubrics becomes of equal importance when deciding to use a particular technique. In tune with purpose of periodic assessment, i.e., to provide feedback to improve teaching and learning, it becomes of equal importance to use follow-up measures incase students are found deficient in proficiency of relevant learning outcomes.
The weightage of this component would be of 05 marks.

B. Portfolio (05 marks)

The creation of portfolios is suggested to broaden the scope of learning and achieve diverse curriculum outcomes by examining a range of evidence of student performances being assessed. Students’ portfolio can be effectively evaluated using a simple scoring rubric. The criteria – the factors to be used in determining the quality of a particular student’s portfolio needs to be carefully developed and shared with students. They key elements of the particular criteria need to be specified as well.

Suggested are some elements to judge student’s portfolio:
Organization – Neatness, Creativity and Visual Appeal
Completion of guided work focused on specific curricular objectives
Evidences of student’s growth
Inclusion of all relevant work (Completeness)

Teachers can include other subject relevant criteria and elements to assess portfolios. A Word of Caution: Portfolios need to be developed in an easy to manage form. They need to be meaningful but simple and accessible. Developing them should not be a burden on students- both in terms of cost and time.
The weightage of this component would be of 05 marks.

C. Subject Enrichment Activities (05 marks)

Subject enrichment activities aligned with the secondary school curriculum aim at enrichment of the understanding and skill development. They provide in-depth learning that motivates students to dig deeper into the discipline. These enrichment activities need to challenge students and permit them to apply knowledge to the next level. These activities become an important instrument to learn the processes by which knowledge is generated in a particular discipline. They ought to provide opportunity to students to explore their own interests as well along with an understanding of the nature of particular discipline. It is important that the Subject Enrichment Activities be conducted with rigour and focus. Some suggestions for this are as follows:
Languages provide ample space and the autonomy to subject teachers to develop relevant listening and speaking skills. Teachers need to use this opportunity to full advantage and use excerpts from relevant suitable literature to develop vocabulary and heighten students’ awareness and sensitivity.
The specified activities in practical work in Science and Mathematics need to be conducted in the investigatory spirit in congruence to the aims and objectives of the subject. The focus must shift from confirmatory nature of lab experiments to explorations that focus on development of science processes. Students need to be encouraged to raise questions, generate hypotheses, experiment, innovate and find solutions to questions/ problems encountered. The discipline of Social Science puts the responsibility on concerned teachers to facilitate students to design and execute relevant projects. It is suggested that social science being the subject relevant to social context, projects be related to Art and culture and include development of Life Skills too. Art is not only about self - expression but is more about perceptions and a special way of understanding and responding to work. Exploring into ideas and meanings through the works of artists/experts/ writers/poets, the students would develop imagination and critical awareness.
The weightage of this component would be of 05 marks.

The assessment schemes

Grading Scale for Scholastic Areas
91-100 A1
81-90 A2
71-80 B1
61-70 B2
51-60 C1
41-50 C2
33-40 D
32 and below E

Discipline (Attendance, Sincerity, Behavior, Values)

Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and helps build character, sincerity, self- control, perseverance, good behavior and values. The concept of discipline should not be confused with strict authoritarian environment and the students should be given freedom to share their doubts and ideas with teachers regarding class work. Constitutional and universal values should also be encouraged amongst students. Hygiene, sanitation, dedication, honesty, truthfulness, kindness, empathy respect for the environment, elders and all living things etc. are the values that our students must actively practice. Parents may also support schools in cultivating disciplined behavior in their wards. Class teacher will grade the students on a Five-point scale (A to E) keeping in view the overall attendance, sincerity, values and behavior of the students. Values Education Resource Book and Kit developed by CBSE may be used for inculcating values in students.

Rules regarding Admission and Examination Regarding Eligibility for Examination, Scheme of Examination and related information, please see the Examination Bye-Laws of CBSE available on www.cbse.nic.in